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Table 5 VASARI features predicting MGMT unmethylated status resulted in 5 significant features with non-zero coefficients

From: Beyond invasive biopsies: using VASARI MRI features to predict grade and molecular parameters in gliomas

Selected VASARI features

Logistic LASSO coefficients


OR (95% CI)


f6–proportion of non-enhancing



0.215 (0.067—0.687)


f13–definition of the non-enhancing margin



f15–edema crosses midline



0.305 (0.125—0.742)


f25–calvarial modeling



f29–longest diameter



0.746 (0.599—0.929)


  1. Categories (within parentheses) have significant odds ratios compared to their base categories for predicting MGMT unmethylated status
  2. VASARI Visually AcceSAble Rembrandt Images, OR odds ratio, LASSO (Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator), MGMT Methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase