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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics for the entire study subjects according to ASCT.

From: Semi-quantitative FDG parameters predict survival in multiple myeloma patients without autologous stem cell transplantation


Patients, n (%)

No ASCT (n = 104)

ASCT (n = 123)


61 (58.7)

66 (53.7)

Age*, range (median)

45–90 (69)

33–74 (57)

- Younger

32 (30.8)

40 (32.5)

- Intermediate

37 (35.6)

42 (34.1)

- Older

35 (33.7)

41 (33.3)

R-ISS stage


- I

33 (31.7)

51 (41.5)

- II

52 (50.0)

53 (43.1)


19 (18.3)

19 (15.4)

Chemotherapy regimen



21 (20.2)

70 (56.9)


45 (43.3)

3 (2.4)

- Other three-drug regimens**

5 (4.8)

26 (21.1)

- Miscellaneous

33 (31.7)

24 (19.5)


9 (8.7)

18 (14.6)


8 (7.7)

20 (16.3)

Renal insufficiency

24 (23.1)

28 (22.8)


51 (49.0)

64 (52.0)

Bone lesion positive

86 (82.7)

110 (89.4)

Extramedullary disease

21 (20.2)

16 (13.0)

FDG parameter***


- SUVmax, range (median)

2.5–22.3 (5.7)

2.5–35.7 (5.5)

- SUVmean, range (median)

2.6–6.3 (3.0)

2.5–7.6 (2.9)

- MTV, range (median)

0.10–1255.3 (31.8)

0.1–1859.2 (33.1)

- TLG, range (median)

0.26–5058.9 (115.9)

0.1–6397.6 (108.8)

- SUVmax, high

38 (36.5)

80 (65.0)

- SUVmean, high

37 (35.6)

52 (42.3)

- MTV, high

62 (59.6)

48 (39.0)

- TLG, high

34 (32.7)

44 (35.8)

- FL > 3

54 (51.9)

70 (56.9)

  1. ASCT: autologous stem cell transplantation; R-ISS: Revised Multiple Myeloma International Staging System; VTD: bortezomib, thalidomide, dexamethasone; VMP: bortezomib, melphalan, prednisone; SUVmax: maximal standardized uptake value; SUVmean: mean standardized uptake value; MTV: metabolic tumor volume; TLG: total lesion glycolysis; FL: focal lesion. *Cut-offs for age are 67 & 70 years for the non-ASCT cohort and 53 & 60 years for the ASCT cohort, respectively. **Three-drug regimens other than VTD or VMP. ***Cut-offs for high SUVmax, SUVmean, MTV, and TLG are 7.2, 3.2, 94.2. and 308.0 for the non-ASCT cohort and 6.0, 3.0, 52.3, and 113.0 for the ASCT cohort, respectively