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Fig. 2 | Cancer Imaging

Fig. 2

From: Dexamethasone suppression for 18F-FDG PET/CT to localize ACTH-secreting pituitary tumors

Fig. 2

Images of a corticotroph with negative MRI but positive18 F-FDG PET/CT after DEX suppression

An MRI-negative adenoma was detected on 18F-FDG PET/CT at baseline and after DEX suppression. In this patient, the pituitary adenoma was visible on PET scans at baseline (B) and after DEX suppression (C) at the same location, as confirmed by the surgeon

A. Co-registered baseline 18F-FDG PET/CT and MRI images. Diffuse 18F-FDG uptake is detected in the pituitary fossa with an SUVmean of 0.86 and SUVmax of 1.03, but there was failure to localize the adenoma on baseline 18F-FDG PET/CT.

B. Co-registered 18F-FDG PET/CT and MRI images after DEX suppression. 18F-FDG uptake is not suppressed in the right side of the pituitary gland with an SUVmean of 1.03 and SUVmax of 1.06. 18F-FDG PET/CT after DEX suppression was successful in localizing the right-sided corticotrophic adenoma

C. MRI image. There is no suspicious lesion in the pituitary gland

ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; 18F-FDG, 18 F-fluorodeoxyglucose; PET/CT, positron emission tomography/computed tomography; DEX, dexamethasone; SUVmean, mean standardized uptake value; SUVmax, maximum standardized uptake value

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