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Table 3 Indications for WBMRI introduced during the course of MBC re-assessment which were previously assessed with CT or FDG-PET/CT

From: Does the addition of whole-body MRI to routine imaging influence real-world treatment decisions in metastatic breast cancer?

Indications for WBMRI

N (%)

Clinical symptoms (e.g. bone pain, limb weakness)

20 (24.7)

Indeterminate findings on other imaging modalities

16 (19.8)

Rise in tumour markers

8 (9.9)

Bone-only disease which was difficult to assess with CT

7 (8.6)

Pseudocirrhotic liver

4 (4.9)

Deranged blood results (e.g. anaemia, pancytopaenia, hypercalcaemia)

4 (4.9)

Recommended by radiologist or at the multidisciplinary team meeting

3 (3.7)

Other (e.g. CT/FDG-PET/CT declined by patients due to radiation concerns, clinical trial entry requirements)

7 (8.6)

Combination of indications: Rise in CA 15–3 tumour marker plus:

clinical symptoms

8 (9.9)

indeterminate findings on other imaging modalities

1 (1.2)

deranged blood results

2 (2.4)

recommended by radiologist

1 (1.2)