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Figure 4 | Cancer Imaging

Figure 4

From: Usefulness of DWI in preoperative assessment of deep myometrial invasion in patients with endometrial carcinoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Figure 4

Pretest probabilities (Prob) and likelihood ratios (LR). (a) With a pretest probability of deep myometrial invasion of 25% (low clinical suspicion), the posttest probability of deep myometrial invasion, given a negative DWI result (Post-Neg Probability), is 4%, which can be considered sufficient to rule out deep myometrial invasion. (b) With a pretest probability of deep myometrial invasion of 50% (worst-case scenario), the posttest probabilities of deep myometrial invasion, given positive and negative DWI results, are 89% and 10%, respectively. Thus, it is a useful test in this situation. (c) With a pretest probability of deep myometrial invasion of 75% (high clinical suspicion), the posttest probability of deep myometrial invasion, given a positive DWI result (Post-Pos Probability), is 96%; thus, a positive DWI result can be considered sufficient to rule in deep myometrial invasion.

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