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Table 2 Characteristics of the Study Population

From: Use of quantitative T2 mapping for the assessment of renal cell carcinomas: first results

Number of patients with cRCC (men, percentage of total (%))

27 (19, 70.4)

Mean age of patients with cRCC ± SDa

61.3 ± 14.2

Median diameters for cRCC (IQRb)

 ISUP grade 1 (IQR)

3.5 (1.13)

 ISUP grade 2 (IQR)

3.95 (3.3)

 ISUP grade 3 (IQR)

15.5 (3.8)

 ISUP grade 4 (IQR)

5.6 (2.7)

Partial nephrectomy (number, %)

15, 55.6

Radical nephrectomy (number, %)

10, 37.0

Biopsy (number, %)

2, 7.4

Imaging Characteristics.

 Average normal renal parenchyma T2 values (ms) ± SD

  Renal cortex

85 ± 16

  Renal medulla

92 ± 16

 Average T2 values for cRCC (ms) ± SD (number, %)

  ISUP grade 1 ± SD

134 ± 20 (8, 29.6)

  ISUP grade 2 ± SD

128 ± 21 (10, 37.0)

  ISUP grade 3 ± SD

108 ± 19 (5, 18.5)

  ISUP grade 4 ± SD

96 ± 6 (4, 14.8)

  1. aSD Standard deviation, bIQR Interquartile range