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Table 2 Demographic and clinical characteristics

From: HCC portal hypertension imaging score derived from CT predicts re-bleeding and mortality after acute variceal bleeding


variceal bleeding (n = 195)

Age, y, mean ± SD

60 ± 11

Sex, male/ female, n (%)

117 (60.0) / 78 (40.0)

Child-Pugh class, A/B/C, n (%)

43 (22.1) / 116 (59.5) /36 (18.4)

MELD score


BCLC stage, A/B/C/D, n (%)

24 (12.3) / 92 (47.2) /54 (27.7) / 25 (12.8)

Maximum tumor size, cm, mean ± SD

4.95 ± 1.78

Multifocal tumor, n (%)

67 (34.4)

Bilobar tumor involvement, n (%)

59 (30.2)

Extent of portal vein tumor thrombus Grade I/ Grade II/Grade III/Grade IV, n (%)

31(15.9) /30 (15.4) / 24 (12.3) /14 (7.2)

Prior curative resection or ablation, n (%)

63 (32.5%)

Size of EV ≥ 4 mm/Size of EV < 4 mm, n (%)

73 (37.4) / 77(39.5)

Prior overt hepatic encephalopathy, n (%)

26 (13.3)

Ascites, n (%)

182 (93.3)


26.7 (15.3–41.8)


31.9 (23.0-51.2)

Prothrombin time, s

12.8 (11.8–14.6)

Serum albumin (g/l)

34.2 (29.8–38.7)

Total bilirubin (µmol/l)

29.1 (19.6–41.7)

Platelet count (×109/mm3)

93.5 (69.8-110.2)


3.0 (2.0–4.0)

  1. *Data are numbers and data in parentheses are percentages; mean data are±standard deviation; Unless otherwise indicated, data in parentheses are interquartile range
  2. ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; BCLC, Barcelona clinic liver cancer; BMI, body mass index; EV, esophageal varices; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; HCCPHTIS; hepatocellular carcinoma portal hypertension imaging score; MELD, model for end-stage liver disease; PVTT, portal vein tumor thrombus