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Table 4 Reproducibility between the readers’ counts and reference standard counts in the without DLS and with DLS setting

From: Deep learning-based metastasis detection in patients with lung cancer to enhance reproducibility and reduce workload in brain metastasis screening with MRI: a multi-center study


Without DLS

With DLS


0.897 (0.876, 0.915)

0.918 (0.901, 0.933)

LoA between readers’ counts and reference standard counts

−0.281 (− 2.888, 2.325)

−0.163 (− 2.692, 2.367)

  1. Data are expressed as means with 95% confidence intervals in parentheses. CCC was calculated with BM numbers equal or less than 10
  2. CCC = concordance correlance coefficient; LoA = limits of agreement