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Table 1 Patient demographics of the 281 enrolled patients

From: Correlation between remnant thyroid gland I-131 uptake and serum thyroglobulin levels: can we rely on I-131 whole body scans?


Number of patients (%)

Age (years)

38 (16–75)



85 (30.2%):196 (69.8%)

Thyroid gland weight (g)

19.0 (4.2–127.0)

Primary tumor size (cm)

1.3 (0.3–7.0)

Pathologic TNM stage


25 (8.9%)


10 (3.6%)


5 (1.8%)


2 (0.7%)


8 (2.8%)


231 (82.2%)

ATA risk stratification

 Intermediate risk

196 (69.8%)

 High risk

85 (30.2%)

Assay at ablation

 TSH (mIU/mL)

51.31 (30.13–158.81)

 Tg (ng/mL)

2.5 (0.039–280.0)

 TgAb (IU/mL)

10.9 (9.9–1,859.0)

I-131 WBS analysis

 Early WBS neck counta

49,823 (656–560,227)

 Delayed WBS neck counta

2,379 (85–46,212)

 Reduction ratio (%)

95.2 (70.1–99.3)

Interval between surgery and ablation (months)

3.1 (1.5–8.5)

Thyroiditis (Present:None)

70 (24.9%):211 (75.1%)

Ablation success: Ablation failure

157 (55.9%):124 (44.1%)

  1. Continuous values are presented as median (range)
  2. ATA American Thyroid Association, TSH thyroglobulin stimulating hormone, Tg thyroglobulin, TgAb thyroglobulin antibody, WBS whole body scan
  3. aScan speed adjusted neck count = neck counts/scan speed (mm/sec)